Every Wednesday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm on Zoom and at Venture X Denver - Five Points.

Meeting ID 856 371 1800



Downtown Speakeasy (DTSE) is a positive, encouraging and supportive environment where we are learning to be better speakers, better listeners, and better leaders. Each meeting is an opportunity for learning and improving our communication and leadership skills.


Welcome, Guests

We are pleased to welcome you to the Downtown Speakeasy Toastmasters Club and we sincerely hope your visit will be a pleasant experience. We’re glad you’re here and we hope that you will visit again and consider becoming a member. If you haven’t already, please sign our guest book so we can stay in touch with you. Also please fill out our guest survey to let us know how your experience today was.

Overview of a Typical Toastmasters Meeting

As our guest, we invite your participation, but you do not have to speak or participate in the meeting unless you want to do so.

The Toastmaster for the day calls the meeting to order and gives a theme for the meeting. Members introduce themselves and provide a brief “twitter-length” remark relating to the theme. The roles are then introduced, and the meeting commences. The main portions of the meeting focus on these areas:

PREPARED SPEECHES: During this portion of the meeting, two speakers present prepared speeches of 5-7 minutes (or longer for advanced communicators). Each speech is outlined in one of the Toastmasters manuals as a project, with a specific format, criteria and goals. For example, Project 1 is called the “Ice Breaker” where a new member gives a short 4- to 6-minute speech introducing themselves to the club.

TABLE TOPICS: Table Topics offers practice in impromptu speaking. The Table Topics Master invites volunteers to participate (or may call on members at random) and gives each speaker a “topic” on which he or she should speak. Guests are welcome to participate.

EVALUATIONS: After the prepared speeches, each speech is evaluated by an assigned club member whose role is to evaluate the speaker's presentation. With positive encouragement and support, the evaluator will point out the speaker's strong points as well as offer suggestions to help speakers to improve. All members and guests are invited to provide a written evaluation of each speech using the provided forms.

REPORTS and VOTING: Each participant with a meeting role gives their report. Then a vote is taken for best table topic response, best speaker and best evaluator. Ballots are provided on the evaluation sheets, and both guests and members are encouraged to vote for the best presenters in each category.

GUEST REMARKS and ADJOURNMENT: Near the end of the meeting, we ask guests for any comments they have about the meeting. We appreciate feedback from guests, but you do not have to comment if you would rather not. After a short update from our officers, we adjourn at 1:30 pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Toastmasters? 

The Toastmasters International mission is to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. The club’s mission is to provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. There is no instructor; each speech given and each meeting role performed is critiqued by a fellow club member. Critiques are given in a positive manner, focusing on what is done effectively and where we can improve. Members follow the Pathways education program, which provides access to engaging learning tools, including videos, interactive quizzes and activities, feedback and recognition, useful tips and more. Available online or in print, Pathways lets you choose where and how you want to learn. Club mentors are available for guidance and help with the first few speeches.

How do I join the Downtown Speakeasy Club and Toastmasters?

If you fill out the guest book, you will receive an email from the VP of Membership with the application. Once the application is submitted and payment is made, you’ll receive an email with the information needed to get started as an active member of the club.

How much are the membership dues? 

Please see the Dues page.

What does my Toastmasters membership provide?

When can I start speaking?

Once you submit your application and payment, you will:

You can sign up as:

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