Welcome to Downtown Speakeasy!

To get started, here is what you need to do and be aware of these links:

Please contact officers-downtown-speakeasy@googlegroups.com, if you have issues creating an account for the DTSE website or Toastmasters International, and questions about roles, speeches and Pathways education.  

New Member Welcome Section

General Information

Meetings follow a standard agenda featuring a meeting theme, two speeches, two evaluations, Table Topics (impromptu speaking), and numerous complementary roles with opportunities to speak. Once a month we also do a Table Topics meeting where everyone comes prepared with table topic questions. Joining our club offers you many benefits in addition to learning to speak comfortably in front of a group, although that is the primary objective. We also have the opportunity to learn how to work as a team, manage logistics, fill roles, develop leadership techniques and mentor our peers.

Try to participate in each meeting by performing a role. This is the best way to become acquainted with other members and to launch your new speaker training.


Member Email: members-downtown-speakeasy@googlegroups.com

Officers Email: officers-downtown-speakeasy@googlegroups.com

Educational Program

Pathways - Toastmasters International recently updated the Education Program with a curriculum called Pathways. The new member application fee goes toward the Pathways public speaking and leadership development Path - you will receive notification from Toastmasters International when your membership is processed and you can access the online assessment to begin your Path.

The Vice President of Education for the club is responsible for guiding you toward meeting your goals as a Toastmaster. 

New Member Mentoring (on hold until we get more members)

We try to provide a mentor for new members to assist in their transition into the club and to focus on successfully completing the first several speeches. It’s optional, but it can be very beneficial. Your mentor will meet with you to chat about why you've joined the club and help you find the best path toward achieving your goals. Expect occasional meetings, set by mutual agreement, to review questions and progress. Contact any officer if you would like a mentor. You can either choose someone you already know and feel comfortable with, or we can ask one of our members to mentor you. 

Club Resources

Club business outside of our normal meetings is conducted online and via email.

Club Website 

Use the club website - www.downtownspeakeasy.org to reference links and resources

Signing Up for Roles and Speeches

The VPE assigns roles and speeches. The goal is to have every do each role the same amount of times over a 6 month period.  If can't make a week, please add your name to the "Abest" row for that date and the VPE will not assign a role for you. Please Google Chat the VPE or email officers-downtown-speakeasy@googlegroups.com with any requests or questions.

Toastmasters International Website

Visit www.toastmastersinternational.org to tap into the world of public speaking and see just what Toastmasters is truly about. Find inspirational stories about your fellow Toastmasters from across the globe. You'll also find their online store where you can purchase all things Toastmasters including manuals, clothing, meeting supplies, etc. View upcoming events and district newsletters. Find resources to everything you need to help you succeed. 

Social Media

Here are links to our club's social media channels:

Meeting Roles

Here is a description of the roles which you should review when you are assigned a role. Below is a summary of the meeting roles and their functions:

Email Filter Guide